How to Write a Formal Letter: Format and Examples (2024)

Formal letters can be daunting to write. But once you learn the basic format, you can write a formal letter any time.

People use formal letters (or formal emails) in business and academia. In business, you may need to send sales letters, official announcements, invitations, or legal correspondence. In academia, you may need to write cover letters, letters of intent for school, or recommendation letters.

A formal letter follows a specific format and uses formal English language. Keep reading to find out how to write formal letters.

Formal Letter Formats

There are a few formal letter formats, but they’re all very similar. Your company or academic institution may have a preferred style; otherwise, you can use whatever style you want.

The exception is the Administrative Management Style, or AMS, letter format. This style omits polite greetings and sign-offs. It’s usually reserved for memos or announcements. In general, if you are writing directly to one person, it’s polite to use a more standard formal letter format.

Official Letter Format

Formal letters typically have the same basic elements:

  • Header with sender’s address, date, and recipient’s address

  • Salutation

  • Body

  • Sign-off

  • Signature

In the header, you can omit the sender’s address if you’re writing on letterhead stationery. It’s also become common to omit your address completely if the person doesn’t need to write back.

Generally, you write the date in standard format (e.g. March 20, 2023) under the sender’s address. If you leave off your address, the date will be the first line. After the date, include the recipient’s address.

How to Write a Formal Letter: Format and Examples (1)

Use a polite greeting and the recipient’s title and surname for the salutation. Skip a line, then start the first body paragraph. Your first paragraph should immediately state why you’re writing this letter.

Sign off your formal letter with a polite closing. Thank them for their time, and use a standard line such as “Cordially” or “Sincerely.”

Then sign your name. If you’re sending a physical copy, skip four lines so you can include your actual signature. Then type your name and title underneath. If you’ll be sending the letter electronically, skip only one line before adding your name.

Formal Email Format

Email has become an acceptable replacement for formal letters in many cases. So, how does formal letter format translate to email?

It’s easy. Omit the heading with the addresses and date. Instead, make sure your subject line briefly states the purpose of your formal email.

You’ll open your email with the greeting and get straight to the body of the letter. Use a sign-off just as you would in a formal letter, and sign your name. Include any relevant contact information under your signature.

How to Write a Formal Letter in 9 Steps

Let’s take a step-by-step look at how to write a formal letter.

1. Select a Letter Format

There are four standard formal letter format options, and they’re all very similar.

Most people use the full block style letter format, so you don’t usually have to worry about indenting.

It’s standard practice to leave a large gap from the top margin before typing, although this is quickly becoming passé. In the days of typewriters, you would press Enter 12 times before typing the heading. Some people still do this on their word processor.

Of course, this large gap is no longer a requirement. It’s fine to start writing your contact information in the top left corner.

How to Write a Formal Letter: Format and Examples (2)

2. Write the Header

When you’re writing the sender’s address, you can include your phone number and email address. Remember to leave your contact information off if you’re using letterhead stationary.

Next, write the date in standard format. This means you spell out the month. If you’re writing to someone in the U.S., follow the format: Month, Day, Year. For other parts of the world, use Day, Month, Year.

Finally, write the recipient’s contact information. You do not need to include their email address or phone number. Include the recipient’s polite title, such as Mr., Dr., Mrs., Ms,. etc. We’ll discuss what to do if you don’t know this information in the next section.

3. Select a Salutation

The standard salutation is “Dear,” followed by the person’s title and surname. You can also use “Greetings.”

In emails, your level of formality may be different. If you’re on a first-name basis with the recipient, or if you’ve met more than once, it’s acceptable to use greetings like “Hello” or “Hi” and their first name.

It’s polite to do your research to find out exactly who the recipient is. Often, you may only have a general business name or email address. Dig around on their website or LinkedIn, or call, to find out the name and title of the person who will read your letter.

If you aren’t sure if a woman prefers “Mrs.” or “Miss,” use “Ms.” If you know the name but not the person’s gender, you can say, “Dear [Full Name].”

Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern” if possible. This letter writing standard is out-of-date and shows you didn’t do your homework to determine who the letter should go to.

But what if you can’t find a person’s name or title? Use the generic salutation “Greetings,” followed by a comma and no name. Always follow the salutation and recipient’s name with a comma, not a colon.

4. State Your Purpose

Begin the first paragraph by saying why you’re writing. Then go immediately into the rest of the body paragraph.

5. Write the Body of the Letter

Keep your body paragraphs short and sweet. Some formal letters, like a resignation letter or complaint letter, may only need one body paragraph.

Try to avoid adding unnecessary information, and be sure to use formal language. If you’re struggling to use formal English, use ProWritingAid’s Rephrase tool. Just highlight a sentence, click Rephrase, and select “Formal” for rephrasing suggestions.

Always single space your paragraphs, but skip a line between paragraphs.

6. Pick a Closing Sign-Off

How to Write a Formal Letter: Format and Examples (3)

Wrap up your letter with a complimentary closing paragraph. This should only be one line. Thank them for their time.

You can also add a call-to-action if you want them to contact you back. This is standard for formal emails. You might ask them to reply, click a link to schedule an appointment, or fill out a form.

Then choose a polite sign-off. Remember to omit this if you’re using AMS format. Here are some closings you can use:

7. Sign Your Name

Finally, you need to sign your name. Remember to leave four spaces after the closing for your signature if you’re printing a physical copy of the formal letter. Otherwise, type your name directly below the closing.

Underneath your name, put your job title if it’s relevant to the formal letter.

In AMS style or in an email, put your contact information underneath your name and title. If you already have an email signature saved through your email provider, you can just use that instead of typing it every time.

8. Optional Content

There are some optional things you may include in a formal letter. In the past, it was standard to include the initials of whoever typed the email if that person was different from the sender. You may still see this at the bottom of a formal letter if an assistant typed it. This isn't required, though.

It is still standard to make a note of any additional documents you’ve sent along with the formal letter. For example, if you’ve sent a cover letter, you might include a resume and a list of references.

To do this, type, “Attached: [Document Name]” at the very bottom of the letter, underneath your signature.

Don’t do this with email, though, because people rarely read what comes after the signature. Instead, mention you’ve included attachments in the closing paragraph of the letter.

9. Edit Your Letter with ProWritingAid

Don’t send a formal letter full of errors. Run your letter or email through ProWritingAid to catch all your grammar, spelling, and style errors. Rephrase your sentences to sound more formal and concise.

You can even use ProWritingAid in your email provider for formal emails with the browser extension or Office add-in.

Formal Letter Example Templates

Below, you can find examples of formal and business letters. We’ve included a full block style, AMS format, and a formal email.

Full Block Style Letter

Gemma Townsend

Big Business Inc.

1234 Main St.

Big Town, NY 55555


April 24, 2023

Mr. Jaime Gonzalez

678 Avenue D Ste 303

Anywhere, CT 90009

Dear Mr. Gonzalez,

I am writing in regards to your request for more information about how Big Business Inc. can help you as an entrepreneur. Here at BBI, we are dedicated to making business ownership as simple as possible.

We offer a full suite of services, from payroll to inventory services. You can choose from our tiered packages. I can also assist you with building a custom package.

Please review the materials I’ve sent, and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time.

Warmest regards,

Gemma Townsend

Assistant Director of Sales

Attached: marketing packet

AMS Formal Letter

Jane Doe-Boyd

5555 Victoria Ct.

Jamestown, VA 55555

March 25, 2023

Elmo Monster

123 Sesame Street

Los Angeles, CA 90210


You are cordially invited to the annual banquet for the Fictional Characters of America Foundation. This year’s banquet will be held on June 19, 2023 at the Chicago Omni Hotel. Please send your RSVP card by May 6, 2023 letting us know if you will attend.

Jane Doe-Boyd

President, Fictional Characters of America Foundation

Enclosed: RSVP card and envelope

Formal Email



Subject: Complaint about upstairs neighbor

Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m writing to lodge a formal complaint against the resident in unit 2022. I’ve attempted to resolve this directly with him three times.

The resident vacuums at 1 a.m. every morning. They then usually turn on loud music. This wakes my entire family up, including my three-year-old daughter.

The lease states that no loud music or other noises should be played between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Please keep me apprised of your next steps to address this matter. Thanks for your time.


Maria Salinas

25 Blvd A Apt 1022

Don’t be intimidated by formal letters! Just use the above formats whenever you need to send official correspondence.

How to Write a Formal Letter: Format and Examples (2024)


How to Write a Formal Letter: Format and Examples? ›

This is known as the salutation. Most salutations begin with “Dear” and then the name of the recipient. All salutations use title capitalization and end in a comma. If you don't know the name of the receiver, you can also use a job title or even the department name, for example, “Dear HR Representative.”

How do you write a formal letter answer? ›

What are the parts of a formal letter?
  1. Header (date/address/return address) Date: When you write a formal letter, it's crucial to include the date on which you wrote it. ...
  2. Salutation. In a formal letter, the standard salutation is “Dear” followed by the recipient's title and last name. ...
  3. Body. ...
  4. Closing. ...
  5. Signature.
Mar 27, 2024

How to start a formal letter example? ›

This is known as the salutation. Most salutations begin with “Dear” and then the name of the recipient. All salutations use title capitalization and end in a comma. If you don't know the name of the receiver, you can also use a job title or even the department name, for example, “Dear HR Representative.”

How do you write a formal answer? ›

Tips for Writing a Professional Formal Response Letter
  1. Use a professional tone. It is important to write professionally and use the appropriate style and language.
  2. Write clearly and concisely. Don't use complex vocabulary. ...
  3. Keep it short. ...
  4. Proofread your letter.

What is the layout of a formal letter with an example? ›

An effective professional letter includes key elements such as sender's and recipient's contact information, a professional greeting, a clear introduction, concise body and a polite sign-off.

What sentences begin a formal letter? ›

Beginning Your Letter
  • I am writing to inform you about ...
  • I am writing to ask/inquire about ...
  • I am writing to ask about information for small businesses.
  • I am writing to inform you that we have not yet received payment for ...

What is the correct format for a letter? ›

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing.

How do I start the body of a formal letter? ›

The body of the letter can be written in 3 paragraphs.
  1. The first paragraph should be aimed at introducing yourself and stating the purpose of your letter.
  2. The second paragraph should furnish all the information about the matter.

What are the 7 parts of a formal letter? ›

Parts of a Business Letter
  • The Heading. The heading contains the return address with the date on the last line. ...
  • Recipient's Address. This is the address you are sending your letter to. ...
  • The Salutation. ...
  • The Body. ...
  • The Complimentary Close. ...
  • The Signature Line. ...
  • Enclosures.

What is a good start for a formal letter? ›

The salutation

It should always start with “Dear," followed by the recipient's name. Depending on your relationship with the reader, you can use their first or last name.

How do I start off a letter example? ›

Regardless of the content of your letter, try to begin with a friendly and respectful greeting. Use the recipient's full name and open with a salutation such as “dear Miss. Adkins”, followed by “I hope this letter finds you well.”

What is the closing paragraph of a formal letter? ›

In the closing paragraph of a formal letter, state what you would like the recipient to do, make a reference to a future event, or offer to help... EXAMPLE: If you require/Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me/feel free to contact me.

How to write good answers? ›

You can start with a definition or facts. In the main body, explain the question at hand in detail. Organizing your argument into bullet points or paragraphs will make it easier for the examiner to go through the topic. Lastly, end your answer with a balanced conclusion that sums up all your arguments in 3 to 5 lines.

Which is an example of formal writing? ›

For example, formal writing is often the form of writing used in research and academic papers, corporate memos and emails, press releases, and job applications.

How to write a formal reply letter? ›

  1. Sender's Information: Include your company's letterhead or your name and contact information at the top.
  2. Date: Write the date of the letter.
  3. Recipient's Information: Include the recipient's name, title, company, and address.
  4. Salutation: Start with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [
Jun 4, 2024

How do I write a formal letter in Word? ›

  1. 1 Choose a template or a blank document. ...
  2. 2 Set up the margins and alignment. ...
  3. 3 Write the sender's and recipient's addresses. ...
  4. 4 Write the date and salutation. ...
  5. 5 Write the body and closing. ...
  6. 6 Write the signature and enclosure. ...
  7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
Jun 8, 2023

Where does the sender address go on a letter? ›

You'll put the sender's name and return address on the top left corner and the recipient's name and mailing address in the lower center. And you'll typically place a stamp on it in the top right corner.

How to conclude a formal letter? ›

Use 'Yours sincerely,' when writing to a named person. Use 'Yours faithfully,' when using the 'Dear Sir/Madam' greeting. Use the semi-formal 'Best regards,' or 'Kind regards,' if you wish the tone to be slightly less formal.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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