Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (2024)

Home Made Interest » Recipes » Appetizers » Irish Potato Bites

published March 9, 2022 — last updated February 21, 2024

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Irish Potato Bites are miniature potato skins filled with cheese and corned beef. They make a delicious appetizer recipe for St. Patrick’s Day and a great addition to any party!

Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (1)

Irish Potato Bites are easy to make,super cute, and tasty, little bites of corned beef and potato goodness!

Just a few more days until we’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! I’ll admit I don’t go all out for the holiday but I sure do love a few good St. Patrick’s Day recipes. My guy always requests a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner but sometimes I like to put my own spin on it…hello Corned Beef Cabbage Rolls!

I use a little bit of the extra corned beef to make this easy St. Patrick’s Day appetizer. Who doesn’t love potato skins, especially when they are filled with corned beef and cheese!

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Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (2)

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • Red potatoes – these need to be small, golf ball sized red potatoes. If you can’t find them small enough you can also look for new potatoes or baby potatoes.
  • Corned beef – I usually make these with leftover from my corned beef and cabbage but you can also get sliced corned beef at the deli counter to save time!
  • Cheddar cheese – Any cheese will work. I like cheddar because it melts well but you can also use Gruyere or even mozzarella.
  • Butter – I prefer salted butter for the extra flavor.
  • Salt – I recommend Kosher salt

What you will need to make Irish Potato Bites:

  • Melon Baller – This is perfect for scooping out the potatoes but if you don’t have one you can also use a teaspoon.
  • Silicone Mat – Hate doing dishes as much as I do? Line your baking sheet with this and nothing will stick!
  • Baking Sheet – Place your Irish Potato Bites on this baking sheet and you’re just a few minutes away from a delicious appetizer.

How to Make Irish Potato Bites

Step 1 – Boil potatoes. Boil small red potatoes until they are fork tender. Don’t over cook them because you want them to be able to hold up to being cut open and stuffed.

Step 2 – Prepare potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked and have had time to cool cut them in half and scoop out the middle.Save the scooped out potato in a small bowl for later. Cut a thin slice off the bottom of the potato (making sure not to go into the hollow part!) to give it a flat bottom to it on.

Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (3)

Step 3 – Fill potatoes. Once all of the potato halves are scooped out take that bowl of saved potato centers and add to it 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, 1/2 cup of diced corned beef, and 1 tablespoon of melted butter. Press the mixture into each potato half and then place them on a baking sheet.

Step 4 – Bake. Bake the potato bites at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes.

Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (4)

When they come out of the oven you basically have one of the best potato skins you’ve ever had, filled with the flavors of St. Patrick’s Day! Add a dollop of sour cream on top and pop them in your mouth. They will be gone before you know it!

How to Freeze

You can make these little potato skins ahead of time and freeze them for use at a later time. Just fill the potatoes according to the instructions and then place them on a baking sheet and put them in the freezer.

Let them freeze for 1 hour then remove and place them in an airtight container or freezer bag, placing a piece of wax paper or parchment paper between each layer, and store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

How to Reheat

When you are ready to use your frozen potato bites take them out of the freezer and place them on a baking sheet. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 15-20 minutes or until warmed through. Serve hot.

Want more St. Patrick’s Day recipes?

  • Irish Egg Rolls
  • Irish Deviled Eggs
  • Corned Beef Cabbage Rolls
  • Corned Beef Hash
  • Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage
  • Bailey’s Irish Coffee
  • Irish Nachos
  • More St. Patrick’s Day Recipes…

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Servings: 10

Prep Time: 20 minutes mins

Cook Time: 20 minutes mins

Total Time: 40 minutes mins

Irish Potato Bites

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Little twice baked potato bites stuffed with cheese and corned beef.

Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (5)

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  • 20 small Red potatoes, small (golf ball size)
  • 1/2 cup Corned beef
  • 1/4 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 tablespoon Butter, melted
  • 1/8 teaspoon Salt


  • Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil.

  • Add potatoes and boil until they are fork tender.

  • Preheat oven to 400°F

  • Once potatoes are cooked and have cooled cut each one in half and cut a small slice off of the rounded end so the potato can sit up.

  • Scoop out the inside of each potato half saving the potato insides in a bowl.

  • Add cheese, corned beef, butter to the bowl with the saved potato insides.

  • Salt mixture to taste. Also sprinkle some salt over the potato halves.

  • Scoop mixture into potato halves and then place them on a baking sheet.

  • Place baking sheet in oven for 10 minutes.

  • Remove from oven and serve.


Serving: 4bites, Calories: 271kcal, Carbohydrates: 54g, Protein: 8g, Fat: 3g, Saturated Fat: 2g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1g, Trans Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 9mg, Sodium: 187mg, Potassium: 1567mg, Fiber: 6g, Sugar: 4g, Vitamin A: 87IU, Vitamin C: 31mg, Calcium: 55mg, Iron: 3mg

Nutrition Disclaimer: We are not certified nutritionists. Nutrition facts are an estimate and are provided as a courtesy. They are generated by an online API which recognizes ingredient names and amounts and makes calculations based on the serving size. Results may vary.

Course: Appetizer

Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (6)

This recipe was last published on February 19, 2019. It was republished on March 2, 2020.

Appetizers Game Day Recipes Gluten-Free Recipes by Diet St. Patrick's Day

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49 comments on “Irish Potato Bites”

  1. Angela Marks March 21, 2023 @ 8:53 pm Reply

    These were WAY more flavorful that I thought they would be. I have to say that these were kinda an afterthought that I didn’t have a ton of hope for but I had all the ingredients so I decided to give them a shot.
    Boy was I in for a treat. They were far and away my favorite appetizer of the evening. SO YUMMY! Deffo making again soon!
    Thank you for sharing this recipe!Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (7)

Irish Potato Bites Recipe - Home. Made. Interest. (2024)


What is the spacing for Irish potatoes? ›

It is simpler to open the soil with a shovel and place the seed potato eye or sprout up, about 1-2 inches deep. The spacing should be about 10-12 inches between each piece of seed potato. When the potato plants reach about six to eight inches, you will need to “hill” the potatoes with a few inches of soil.

What is the stem of the Irish potato? ›

The edible part of the plant is an un- derground stem called a tuber (not a root). Irish potatoes contain 2 percent protein and 18 percent starch. They are an inex- pensive source of carbohydrates and, when prepared properly, provide good amounts of vitamins and minerals.

How long does Irish potatoes take to? ›

Irish potatoes take about 90 to 110 days from planting to harvest, so potatoes planted within the next few weeks should be ready by mid-November. Leave the potatoes in the field as long as possible to reach maturity.

How long does it take Irish potatoes to come up? ›

Plant the seed pieces 10-14 inches apart in this trench. Using a rake, cover the seed with 3-4 inches of soil-do not fill the trench completely. Hilling is crucial to creating a place for potatoes to develop a large size and abundantly. Sprouts will emerge in about two weeks, depending on the soil temperature.

What is another name for Irish potatoes? ›

Solanum tuberosum (Irish Potato, Irish Potatoes, Pomme de Terre, Potato, Potatoes, White Potato, White Potatoes) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox.

What did Irish people eat before potatoes? ›

Until the arrival of the potato in the 16th century, grains such as oats, wheat and barley, cooked either as porridge or bread, formed the staple of the Irish diet. The most common form of bread consisted of flatbread made from ground oats.

Why is potato called Irish potato? ›

Potatoes are native to the Andes Mountains of South America. We call them Irish potatoes because the potato was first brought back to Europe in the 1500's and developed as a crop there. The Irish immigrants brought the culture of potato to the United States.

Can you plant potatoes 6 inches apart? ›

Dig a shallow trench about 6-8 inches deep. This can be done with a rake in loose soil, but you may need a shovel or hoe in heavier soils. Place cut potatoes 10-12 inches apart in the trench. If larger potatoes are planted whole they will produce larger plants and should be given a little extra room, 12-16 inches.

How much spacing do potatoes need? ›

Spacing: 8" - 12" in-rows x 24" - 36" between row. If you would like to mainly harvest new potatoes, space plants 9” apart. If large storage potatoes are your goal space plants as far as 20” apart. Plant potatoes in furrows cut side down, 3- to 5-inches deep.

What is the best way to plant Irish potatoes? ›

Use a hoe or stick to open a trench about 3 inches deep down the center of the bed. Drop seed pieces 10 to 12 inches apart in the trench (see Figure 5). Step on each seed piece after dropping it to assure good contact with the soil. cover the seed about 3 inches deep.

How do you increase the size of Irish potatoes? ›

Correct balanced nutrition is important for increasing potato tuber size. Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese have all been shown to have effects on potato tuber size.

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