Malaz Usta Language (2025)

1. From Pharmacist to Filmmaker: Malaz Usta - UNHCR

  • Mar 18, 2021 · The word usta in Turkish corresponds to many different words. It connotes a master, a connoisseur, a craftsman, an artist. It is used for people ...

  • Esin Erdoğan | 18 March 2021 “After arriving in Turkey, I had bigger opportunities, I had a chance to study what I truly loved, I learned the language and started university, again! This time I was in a safe place, away from war.” The word usta in Turkish corresponds to […]

2. A Year in Exile - Karama Festival

  • ... Malaz Usta | D.O.P: Malaz Usta | Sound: Malaz Usta | Language: Arabic | subtitles: English. Home; About. About Karama Human Rights Film Festival; Previous ...

  • Synopsis: An immigrant’s first year in a metropolitan city outside his small country. Through a collection of moving images and sounds the film exhibits what he faces, the pictures that he sees, the crowded thoughts in his head, and the state of emotional shock that he lives throughout the y...

3. Eda Elif Tibet 27 May 2021 at 6:00 pm

  • Language of the presentation: English. Registration link: Damascus born Malaz Usta moved to Turkey in the beginning of ...

  • An immigrant’s first year in a metropolitan city outside his small country. Through a collection of moving images and sounds the film exhibits what he faces, the pictures that he sees, the crowded thoughts...

4. Malaz Usta |

5. A Year in Exile | Ji.hlava IDFF

  • Malaz Usta (1992) was born in Damascus, Syria, where he studied pharmacy ... language: Arabic. subtitles: English. colour: Colour and B&W. Info. director ...

  • A Year in Exile

6. A Year in Exile | 2021 (23rd) Encounters SA International Doc ...

  • Malaz Usta. Country: Syria | Turkey. Year: 2020. Running Time: 19 min. Language(s):. Arabic, Turkish. Director Malaz Usta offers a film that delivers on every ...

  • A breathtaking piece of poetry in motion.

7. Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 2024 | Who is here

  • English. čeština · Ji.hlava International ... language through photography. In his work he ... Malaz Usta. Malaz Usta is a filmmaker ...

  • Martijn te Pas studied Psychology, English, and Film & Television Studies at the University of Amsterdam. From 2000 to 2019, he was a Senior Programmer at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). He also served as an advisor for the IDFA Bertha Fund and evaluated projects for the IDFA Forum. Between 2000 and 2020, Martijn traveled to numerous film festivals as a guest or jury member. He was a Documentary Advisor for the Dutch Mediafund (now the NPO Fund) from 2007 to 2013.

8. space_invaders.exe - Ji.hlava IDFF

9. Malaz Usta

  • Missing: language | Show results with:language

  • Cargo

10. Sieben Fragen an Malaz Usta - Testkammer

  • Dec 13, 2021 · The original english language interview is also available. Dein Dokumentarfilm ist autobiographisch – warum hast Du Dich entschieden es auf ...

  • Interview: Im Gespräch mit dem aus Syrien stammenden Filmemacher Malaz Usta konnten wir mehr über seinen autobiographischen Dokumentarfilm „A Year in Exile“ (OT: „Sürgünde Bir Yil“) erfahren, der a…

11. Between Self and Home: A Diasporic Filmclub – xart splitta e.V.

  • Their Algeria by Lina Soualem. 2020, 73 minutes, Algeria Spoken languages: French and Arabic, English subtitles ... Damascus born Malaz Usta moved to Turkey in ...

  • September 15th – October 06th, every Thursday, 7pm at OYA BAR(Mariannenstrasse 6, 10997 Berlin) For those deracinated subalterns, “home” has become “another country”. Losing home is […]

12. Languages | Rebel Moon Wiki - Fandom

  • The language was represented in the media of Rebel Moon by American English, though its text was customly designed. The text was functionally identical to the ...

  • The languages used by the characters of Rebel Moon are explained below. Different planets have different cultures with different spoken and written languages. Mothertongue was the common language of the Realm, spoken by the people of the Motherworld and planets affected by its influence. The language was represented in the media of Rebel Moon by American English, though its text was customly designed. The text was functionally identical to the Roman alphabet of the real world, however, was repre

13. ReCNTR Lab

  • Malaz Usta is a filmmaker, a designer and a visual artist, working with film, graphics, animation, editing, and sound. He was born in Damascus, Syria. He ...

  • ReCNTR Lab is a a two-year multimodal research workshop for researchers interested in multimodal research methodologies. Through a concrete project, participants work on the development, experimentation, production, and distribution of their multimodal research.

14. Master of Film - Artistic Research in and through Cinema

  • She uses a broad conception of language that is not limited to writing or speech. ... Malaz Usta · novel voyageurism in a memoryscape. Marlene Dirven · Mapping ...

  • Catharina Vergeer’s research Mapping Traces investigates the prevailing perception of the maritime domain as predominantly male and masculine. It sets out to ask, how do our notions of gender impact life on board a ship, and vice versa how does being vessel bound impact our perceptions of gender? What if we blur the boundaries of perception? What knowledge can we find there? These questions were explored through hidden histories, present-day shipboard circumstances, and speculation on alternate stories. The insights gained have been translated into a choreography, and developed into a film that is currently in progress.

Malaz Usta Language (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.