Your Virgo Season Horoscopes August-September 2024 (2024)

This article is written by astrologer and Akashic channel, Narayana Montúfar. She is the author ofMoon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power.Please visitwww.naramon.comto book a reading with her or follow her here@narayanamontufar to keep up with her astro-weather reports.

The grounding energy of Virgo season—arriving between August 22nd and September 21st—brings a momentary break from the radical change experienced in the past month. Clarity begins to arrive as communicative Mercury ends its retrograde on August 28th. Between now and September 4th is a fabulous time to look back at what has transpired in your life for the past four weeks. Chances are, you’ve shifted your mind concerning an important life matter.

This month’s New Moon on September 2nd brings an opportunity to reattune to our bodies’ needs. Bringing a triple dose of Virgo energy, this lunar event inspires us to seek wholeness by aligning mind, body, and spirit. Starting now, we’re riding the wave of the second eclipse season of the year, a time during which we benefit from more rest, privacy, and deep meditative states.

On September 17th, the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces arrives in the form of a potent Supermoon! Major storylines reach a peak now, when many will be landing new jobs, solidifying relationships, and beginning new paths. Mysterious and magical, Eclipses tend to mix timelines, bringing highly transformative events that get us closer to our soul’s destiny.

Below is what your zodiac sign can expect, read your sun as well as your rising sign:


Mantra: “I flow with the rhythms of my heart; I become fascinated with my inner world.”

Surrender to flow, Aries! After a busy and social Leo season, Virgo season offers you the opportunity to rest, recharge, and take care of your body. You’ll notice this trend starting September 4, when your planet (Mars) begins swimming in the waters of Cancer. Starting now and over the next few weeks, you will be in your feels! A nostalgic mood takes over you now—after all, this is a month during which some of your relationships experience adjustments, most likely between August 30th and September 4th.

Pay attention to the themes that come up for you this month concerning your career and public reputation. Starting September 2nd, powerful Pluto returns to this sector of your chart for a wrap-up. What pertains to this area of your life that no longer aligns with your soul path? Resolve to notice it so you can begin preparing to let it go! The September 17 Supermoon Eclipse initiates you on a two-year journey that inspires you to deepen your spiritual practice. Meditation, in particular, could be a great way to begin noticing your thought process and patterns, unraveling information about how your subconscious mind works.

Your Key Moments:

  • September 2nd brings the best New Moon of the year to organize your life.
  • September 3rd brings mental fog, so move with care when making important decisions.
  • September 14th could bring a message from a friend or lover that warms your heart.


Mantra: “I now understand that there is a divine plan in motion for me.”

Trust your process, Taurus. Some of your connections could experience changes this season as your planet, Venus, passes through the South Node of Destiny, between August 30th and September 4th. You might notice having a change of heart as some of your personal needs and values shift, especially when it comes to friendships, commitment, and matters of the heart. This celestial trend repeats later in the season as the ultra-powerful September 17 Supermoon Eclipse stirs movement within your friendships or professional collaborations. Bringing the power of three Full Moons in one, this lunar event is bound to illuminate previously hidden information.

But perhaps the bigger news for you this season is the retrograde of Uranus, the wild child planet that’s been instigating you to get out of your comfort zone. Starting September 1st, this retrograde gives you a break from the many ups and downs you’ve been experiencing, while also giving you insight into why all this action needed to happen. Today, take a moment to honor your immense resilience in the face of change—because, Taurus—you’ve definitely earned a pat on the back. From now until January 2025, you’re in for some big a-ha moments!

Your Key Moments:

  • On September 2nd, Pluto’s retrograde journey might inspire travel to a faraway destination.
  • Mars entering Cancer on September 4th activates your voice—you have the gift of gab for the next six weeks!
  • An unexpected amount of money could appear in your bank account as Venus and Jupiter kiss on September 14th.


Mantra: “When the universe lifts me up, I put my best foot forward.”

You might really like what Virgo season has in store for you, Gemini! Saturn—the ultimate celestial teacher—has been pushing you to show those around you what you are made of, especially when it comes to your career and life purpose. If you’ve been diligent about making your mark in the world, expect big news around the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, which rises in the skies on September 17th. Know that this is only the beginning of a two-year process during which the universe lifts you and your work to new heights.

More cash could reach your pocket even sooner as Mars activates your second house of income, starting September 4th. You will be feeling ambitious to elevate your income starting now, for the rest of the year, and even into the Spring of 2025! The cherry on the cake comes around September 14th, which is one of the best days of the entire year for romance, friendship, and the enjoyment of life. You will be swimming deep in Eclipse energy now, when a fated encounter, proposal, or commitment could be sealed between you and a special someone. Keep your spirits high to make the best of the solar season ahead!

Your Key Moments:

  • Mercury (your planet) goes direct on August 28, slowly bringing your mojo back.
  • September 2nd brings the best New Moon of the year to remodel or make changes to your environment.
  • September 7 could magify your workload, but try to find the balance between hard work and rest.


Mantra: “I reach synergy between my mind, body, and spirit.”

Take time to rest as Virgo season begins, Cancer. Because as soon as Mars enters your sign on September 4th, you will be energized and ready to move, push forward, and get stuff done! If you don’t have an ongoing exercise routine established yet, this is your cue, as later in the year, Mars will be retrograde in your sign, bringing the need to connect with your body as well as your masculine side on a much deeper level.

Prepare to be busy this season, as Virgo rules your third house of communication, promising to have your phone, inbox, and mind very active for the next four weeks. This busyness will also be introspective due to Pluto—the planet of power and transformation—bringing a blast from the past as it revisits your relationship sector, starting September 2nd. If there are loose ends you need to tie up within an important relationship or partnership, expect to do so by the time the September 17th Supermoon Eclipse arrives, which activates Pluto. You may now also notice a newfound desire to learn, explore, and feed your hungry mind with new colors, vistas, and flavors. Perhaps, it might soon be time to learn something new or travel to a faraway destination.

Your Key Moments:

  • September 2nd brings the best New Moon of the year to reorganize or rethink your finances.
  • An intimate conversation might take place around September 3rd, when complete honesty could be required.
  • September 21st brings a blast from the past; pay attention to what becomes illuminated.


Mantra: “I invite abundance in all forms to find me.”

Mercury going direct in your sign on August 28 puts an end to a puzzling situation, and by September 4, you’re moving forward with full-on confidence, Leo. And good thing, because this season, your mind will be focused on organizing or bettering your finances. If you decide to make any investments or transfers, make your move on September 4th, right when the Virgo New Moon is growing in light, blessing your actions. This same theme of money, resources, and even contracts remains important for you at this season’s Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, which arrives on September 17th. If you’ve been waiting for a loan or resolution, this is when everything could align. Right now, however, do remember that eclipses require us to flow and surrender to the process.

But the biggest news that you will, for sure, rejoice about is the retrograde of Uranus, beginning on September 1st and lasting until the beginning of 2025. You can expect fewer changes, twists, and surprises in your career, helping you catch up from so much unexpected action. Over the next few months, write down all the ideas you will be downloading, especially if they seem exciting, strange, or “out there.”

Your Key Moments:

  • Starting September 4th, you might need naps or more rest as Mars enters your twelfth house of privacy.
  • A friendship or collaboration could be sparked under the lucky September 14 kiss between Venus and Jupiter.


Mantra: “I am reborn into my most powerful version yet.”

Happy solar return, Virgo! The delays you experienced last season begin dissolving as your planet (Mercury) goes direct on August 28. Implement any learnings it brought you during the September 2 New Moon, which is one of your best opportunities of the entire year to plant seeds and set intentions. Starting September 8, you begin getting the clarity of mind required to follow up on whatever you started. Suddenly, all the delays you experienced last season begin falling into place, helping you realize how much those delays were needed, in order to perfect your strategy. This is when task-master teacher Saturn gets activated in the sky, pointing your efforts in the right direction. Hard work will be required on your end for the materialization of your goals, when it’s crucial to think long-term.

This is a season you will surely remember, as it initiates you in a transformative process that will last for about two years. Your career and relationships interconnect this season, most likely culminating in a new business partnership, as the September 17 Supermoon Eclipse rises. Big money could be part of this deal due to Venus and lucky Jupiter lighting up the success sector of your chart.

Your Key Moments:

  • Keep an eye on your wallet between August 30 and September 4, when spending on a big-ticket item could backfire.
  • September 14th could bring positive career news your way, so trust the process.


Mantra: “I elevate my status by showing my unique gifts to the world.”

A busy season is in store for you, Libra—and it will matter how and where you invest your energy. Relationships will be on your mind between August 30th and September 4th as you notice something needs to change in the way you connect with those closest to you. Don’t be afraid of speaking your truth now, asking for what you want, or truly implementing the changes that have been a long time coming.

Starting September 4th, driven Mars will begin activating your career sector, magnifying your desire to succeed and manifest your professional goals. At the same time, taskmaster teacher Saturn will be requesting more of your attention to push certain projects across the finish line. This will be especially true between September 7th and September 17th. Since Eclipse Season will be in full swing by now, it’s crucial that you remain focused on your goals. After all, Virgo season is a time of the year during which your mind, body, and spirit require more rest and downtime.

Mark September 14th on your calendar as one of your best days this season, bringing the perfect moment to go on a date or hang with friends.

Your Key Moments:

  • If you’re partnered, Uranus retrograde on September 1 brings fewer ups and downs to your relationship for the rest of the year.
  • September 2nd brings the best New Moon of the year to begin a spiritual practice.
  • Watch out for misunderstandings with friends around September 6, when Mercury clashes with Uranus.


Mantra: “I trust that everything lines up in my favor.”

Mercury going direct on August 28th puts an end to the analysis you’ve performed on your career goals. By September 4th, moments of clarity arrive, pointing you in the right direction. And while you could feel a hiccup or two arrive on September 6 while implementing your goals, you can also download important information as Mercury activates the genius planet Uranus. After all, Scorpio, this season instigates you to remove pre-conceived notions about the value of your work, so you can begin implementing more powerful ways of chasing your goals. This will be especially felt between August 30th and September 4th.

Romance is another area where you will see and feel some movement this season, especially as the September 17th Supermoon Eclipse arrives. Opening a portal that will stay open over the next two years, this potent lunar event ignites your desire to merge with someone at a deeper level. If you’re dating someone already, there is a defining energy between you, especially around September 14th, which is one of the most romantic days of the season, when lover Venus sends beams of light to lucky Jupiter in your intimacy sector.

Your Key Moments:

  • September 2nd brings the best New Moon of the year to connect with like-minded people and even new business collaborators.
  • A thought or person from the past could come back around September 2nd for a final resolution.
  • September 21st brings the idea vibe to perform a deep cleaning of your spaces.


Mantra: “I find the perfect balance in all areas of my life.”

Changes are afoot, Sagittarius—especially concerning your relationships and life/work balance. You might decide to take a break from certain collaborations, between August 30th and September 4th. But don’t worry, new people arrive in your orbit this season as two influences (the Sun and Mercury) activate your career sector, August 22nd and September 8th, respectively. After all, Virgo season always brings the time of the year during which you experience advancement in your career as projects get off the ground and solidify.

It will be important, however, that you pace yourself this season. Activations of Saturn in your home sector also bring business to your personal life. Between September 7th and September 17th, taking care of your life’s foundations (whether that’s kids, pets, elders, or even remodeling projects) requires you to turn your eye toward what’s most important. Luckily, you will be receiving help from either a romantic partner or a close friend, so make sure to rely on the people who love you and want to be there for you when your time is spreading thin. The sooner you get on board with balancing these areas of your life, the easier your future will be.

Your Key Moments:

  • The September 2 New Moon in Virgo is the best moment of the year to get clear on your career goals.
  • You crave a deeper sense of intimacy as Mars enters your intimacy sector on September 4.
  • September 14 brings luck your way in the form of romance, friendship, or even unexpected money!


Mantra: “I expand my horizons, setting my eyes towards the future.”

Remain flexible concerning your professional flow or changes within important projects between August 30th and September 4th, Capricorn. What might seem like a loss could actually make space for something better down the road. You love Virgo energy, as it allows you to expand your mind to new and exciting possibilities! This season, you might decide to study, travel, or begin a project that’s not necessarily related to work. This allows you to divert your energy away from the hustle culture, and might even end up becoming a hobby down the road. You will notice yourself in a pensive mood, especially as transformative Pluto re-enters your sign on September 2nd, for the very last time. What are you working on leaving behind?

The Supermoon Eclipse on September 17th sets you off on a journey that seeks to liberate your voice. Sef-expression might not be your favorite thing in the world, but starting this season, it becomes incredibly important for your personal growth. Harness this energy by kicking off a mantra, writing, or journaling practice. The days between September 2 and September 8 are ideal to explore this energy by embracing experimentation.

Your Key Moments:

  • Mars entering Cancer on September 4 intensifies your relationships, asking you to speak from the heart.
  • Prepare for the need to revise a project around September 7th, when the Virgo Sun activates your planet, Saturn.
  • An a-ha moment could find you around September 21st so pay attention.


Mantra: “I create a strong financial foundation for the future.”

Mercury goes direct in your relationship sector on August 28th, slowly dissolving the misunderstandings with those in your closest circle. By the time September 8th arrives, the fog fully melts, helping you understand how what you experienced with them serves to bring you closer together. If you have a serious partner, part of getting to a deep space also involves having conversations about money, resources, and plans for the future. You will notice this influence intensifying starting September 7th, all the way to the September 17th Supermoon Eclipse. If single, this is a season to focus on getting clarity around your finances as well—whether that means setting a plan to pay off debt, start saving, or creating another source of income.

If you’re not in a serious connection and crave one, this season also brings you lucky vibes to attract. Jupiter—the planet of luck—is traveling in your romance sector now. And as it gets activated by Venus on September 14th, an exhilarating person could come into your scene. Even if you’re not currently interested in pursuing a relationship, keep your heart open, as this energy could also be translated into meeting a friend, guru, or benefactor.

Your Key Moments:

  • Your ruling planet, Uranus, goes retrograde on September 1, bringing a much-needed break from experiencing so much change.
  • September 6 brings a communication challenge that could turn into an opportunity with the right mindset.


Mantra: “I follow my bliss—because, in the end, life is only a dream.”

Get excited, Pisces! Starting this season, life begins getting interesting. While some of your closest connections might experience adjustments between August 30th and September 4th, you must trust your process. Virgo season rules your seventh house of relationships, meaning that when someone leaves your orbit, someone new is meant to come into your life. You will feel this in-and-out synergy more strongly as the September 2 New Moon arrives. In the end, the relationships that stay in your life will be the ones that seek to respect your boundaries and promote you having a strong sense of self. This is quite important to consider, as this season’s Supermoon Eclipse—which happens in your sign—sets the tone for the epic transformation you will experience for the next two years.

Something else to consider is if your home provides the foundation you require now. This is especially true if you work from home and spend most of your time there. After all, lucky Jupiter seeks to help you make your abode the ideal space where you can thrive. Stay tuned to what comes up around September 14th—this lucky day brings insights into what your heart craves. This is also a fantastic day to spend with the people you love.

Your Key Moments:

  • Mercury going direct on August 28th ends the never-ending need to review and revise career projects.
  • Brilliant ideas could arrive around September 1st, so keep your mind open as your intuition speaks to you.
Your Virgo Season Horoscopes August-September 2024 (2024)


Your Virgo Season Horoscopes August-September 2024? ›

While your sign ruler the Sun is in Virgo, you're slated for major plot development. You may struggle to make good choices this season and might even spurn a great opportunity, but whatever. You'll be busy dealing with major, tectonic life changes anyway.

What will happen to Virgo in 2024? ›

2024 promises some good news for Virgo, which will be very special. You will make great progress in all aspects of life this year. There will be challenges but they will bring great learnings for your personal & professional life, which will steer you in the right direction.

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The month will be beneficial to businesspeople. Business trips will be successful, and you will be successful in moving your company forward. The month will be modest for love relationships in the first half, but there is a potential of improvement in the second half.

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The differences between August and September Virgos can influence their relationship dynamics to some extent. August Virgos' expressive and charismatic qualities might make them more comfortable in social settings, while September Virgos' analytical nature may lead to deeper and more introspective conversations.

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Virgo Love Horoscope Today

Provide personal space to the lover in a relationship and ensure you spend more time together. Some love affairs may become toxic and if you find the relationship suffocating, come out of it. Married females may be conceived today and you can have plans to expand the family.

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Virgo Career Horoscope This Week

Your professional life will benefit from your meticulous attention to detail and problem-solving skills. This week, you may find yourself taking on new responsibilities or tackling challenging projects. Trust in your abilities and seek out opportunities to showcase your expertise.

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For Virgo people, the year 2025 is the year to achieve new heights in their careers. At the beginning of the year, you may get new opportunities in your career. Although you may have to work hard to achieve success in your career, this year you can taste the sweet fruits of your hard work.

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So, Who's the Best Match for Virgo? Virgo, practical and analytical, seeks a soulmate who shares their pragmatism and commitment to self-improvement. Taurus and Capricorn provide the stability and dedication that Virgo seeks, fostering a partnership grounded in mutual support and growth.

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As a Virgo, you take your time with love. You don't rush into things and prefer to have control. This might differ from what your partner is used to, but it's just how you are. The most compatible matches for Virgos are other Virgos, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

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The list of star signs that can make a good match isn't short for Virgo. Because they're caring, they tend to be good partners for everyone. But there are a few signs they're most compatible with, which are Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.

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Virgos have good analytical skills. They are neither easily impressed nor deceived by others. They meet their soulmate between the ages of 24 and 28. Their marital life is, to put it mildly, ordinary.

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Virgo views love as an act of service for another person. It's not all fairytales and romance – it takes sacrifice and effort. Virgos wants to collaborate and build a life with someone else. They need to feel like both people in the relationship are working toward a shared goal.

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Virgo is a practical and hardworking sign; as such, your Virgo lover will want to help you out all the time. It's Virgo's way of showing you how much they care. They might not vocalize their affection as openly as other signs, but they'll always be ready to do something for you without expecting anything in return.

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Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Virgos are known for their practicality and attention to detail, qualities that extend to their approach to relationships. In 2024, Virgos may find themselves surprised by a soulmate who challenges their meticulous plans and opens their heart to new possibilities.

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Your social life will show a noticeable uptick, so you could either entertain in your home or go out to meet others. This would be a good time to join a club, whether it be professional or purely social.

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According to Virgo's yearly financial horoscope 2025, this year will be very encouraging for you and will not face any problems on the financial front. Financially it would prove to be an excellent year. You would be spending money on material comforts. The betterment in business shall increase savings.

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2024 holds great promise for positive changes and abundant opportunities.The planetary alignments indicate favorable influences that can bring significant growth and success in every aspect of your life.However, ups and downs are a natural part of life, so you must be ready to face anything that comes your way.Always ...

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.